CDC Update | Guide Dogs for the Blind Skip to main content
A woman walks down the aisle on a commercial airplane with her guide dog.

CDC Updates Impacting International Travel with Dogs

In May 2024, the Center for Disease Control issued a statement that dogs entering the United States will need to meet minimum criteria and require additional documentation in order to cross the border. These criteria include: 

  • Healthy upon arrival.
  • At least 6 months of age.
  • Have a current microchip that is International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-compatible
  • Have a complete CDC Dog Import form receipt. This form also requires a current photo of the dog to be uploaded. It must be completed in addition to a vaccine record, the current DOT travel forms, and a USDA-issued health certificate signed by a veterinarian. 

Click here to read the CDC announcement detailing these amendments, which will be enforced beginning August 1, 2024.

This regulation is to control the entry of dogs into the United States from other countries. These rules apply to all dogs, including puppies, service animals, and dogs that left the United States and are returning. They also apply whether you are a U.S. citizen, legal U.S. resident, or foreign national. (

Below are Frequently Asked Questions about the new ruling and how this will impact GDB clients, as well as GDB's response and details about what you can do to help. 

Frequently Asked Questions

GDB Response and Advocacy Efforts