Meet GDB's Newest Qualified Guide Dog… | Guide Dogs for the Blind Skip to main content
Emily Crisp kneeling next to a Golden Retriever guide dog

We are proud to congratulate Emily Crisp, GDB's newest qualified guide dog mobility instructor. Emily recently completed her GDB apprenticeship that included comprehensive academics, intensive on-the-job training with mentor instructors, and collaborative support from peers and members of various departments.

Emily was born and raised in Modesto, Calif. She received an associates degree in anthropology and biology, but always dreamed of working with dogs. She was introduced to the GDB world by a family friend and went on to raise six guide dog puppies for GDB throughout her time in college. She also helped lead her local puppy raising club. Emily chose to pursue a career at GDB after participating in an on-campus summer volunteer program in 2013. She loved the positive atmosphere and how included everyone made her feel. She spent a year and a half in our Training Department as a canine welfare training technician before accepting the apprentice position. If you asked Emily what her favorite part about working at GDB is she would probably say “Everything!”

In her spare time, Emily enjoys hiking with her dogs, traveling, and horseback riding. She currently lives in Novato, Calif. with her three pet dogs: a GDB career change dog named Newport, a GDB career change dog named Jolene, and a Bernese Mountain Dog named Elsa.

Congratulations Emily on this educational milestone in support of our mission!

Please visit the Careers section of our site to learn more about job opportunities in our Training Department!

Categories: GDB Careers, GDB Staff Profile, Guide Dog Training